Expertise from research, experience and education.

Opportunities for your assets come with our enthusiasm for uncovering emerging macro trends globally. Meanwhile, our passion for people keeps us focused on your micro details to manage wealth, and on contributing to the community.

It's what you pay

Our viewpoint of ‘It's What You Pay' originates from minimising risk and capturing the opportunity. We achieve this by developing key stabilities in risk-adjusted returns and paying the right price for assets.

Growth without volatility is a long-term hallmark of our approach and a cornerstone of how we deliver low-volatility portfolios.

Intelligent Investing

Intelligent investing comes in many forms, and at times, from unexpected places. We understand needs within the context of local, national, and international circumstance. We examine and re-examine the financial, psychological, and environmental matters that shape societies. By maintaining our ideal as acting global citizens, we thrive.

When staying ahead of the curve, our team goes beyond numbers on a page. Researching statistics to build a framework, then adding nuance by getting hands-on. Visiting facilities and testing products, gaining a full understanding of an investments profitable abilities.

Then, we make investments that matter.

Active Investing

Our active investing philosophy is founded on the principle that active management adds real value over passive approaches on a portfolio based on market cycles. We believe that a portfolio based on active investment choices, made using a well-articulated, reputable investment process that takes risks commensurate with desired returns, should over the long term outperform a passive one.

We believe that active management includes strategically underweighting asset classes and sectors where capital is plentiful - relative to the investor's long-term equilibrium policy portfolio. Knowing where prices are rich, and the expected return is not commensurate with the risk and similarly overweighting those assets where capital is scarce, prices are cheap, and there is less risk relative to the expected return.

When active managers and strategies are overly constrained by benchmarks, they will not produce satisfactory risk-adjusted returns over the long-term.

Moreover, we believe that skill dominates luck.

For more information, read why SANDSTONE is into themes - not memes - to preserve and grow wealth.


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