Innovative knowledge and existing experience allow our team to screen new Foundation possibilities with a thorough round of questions, facilitating a path to success.

We assist in answering all questions. SANDSTONE’S goal is making your charitable idea a reality and building to ensure a successful deployment. Our questions outline Board responsibilities, including knowing the Foundations mandate and staying organised under the Boards management and SANDSTONES guidance.

Foundation Strategy

  • How confident is your understanding of legal framework in which charitable Foundations function - fiduciary obligations and duties?
  • How does your governing document restrict your use of assets, if at all?
  • Do you have a clear sense of who your beneficiaries are?

Connecting Mission and Investment

  • When considering an investment, what do you want it to do? What are the consequences of getting those judgements right or wrong?
  • Do all members know and understand the approach to investing and granting in terms of impact on current and future generations of beneficiaries? 
  • Do you wish to perpetuate, maintain or grant-out the Foundation?
  • What are the values underpinning your charitable aims?

Taking Advice and Making Decisions

  • In what way are your decisions intentional rather than cultural?
  • How might you benefit from support in developing an overall strategy in using assets to serve beneficiaries?
  • Do those providing advice understand your strategy?
  • What mechanisms do the Board and members use to support decision making? 
  • Can your foundation be more ambitious given the freedom it has to promote its charitable goals?
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